• Instructional Technology

    Dumbing Down the Next Generation

    Those in higher education today have to wear a variety of hats, from advisor, career specialist, to recruiter; and students want their education online, on-demand, and on their terms. Anyone who has ever advised students can tell you that just getting students to understand the elementary concepts of what and why you need general education courses - can be exhausting. Everyone is in a transition, students and teachers.The digital natives (a digital native is defined as a person born between 1980 and 1994) are being inundated with academic curriculum designed to be done on the computer – but let’s face it, it's still just another teaching method. I tend to…

  • How Technologically Savvy is your Instructor?
    Instructional Technology

    How Technologically Savvy is your Instructor?

    How Technologically is Savvy your Instructor? Do you know an instructor caught up in the last century when it comes to technology? Oops – Is it you that is caught in the past? Are you still squeaking by with outdated technology skills,  hoping no one will notice? Does your instructor even have their degree yet? Unfortunately, if an instructor doesn’t have those lifelong learning skills either from prior education, or learned through continuing professional development, they probably won’t appreciate the benefits derived from the use of technology in their classroom. The belief and value systems of each individual teacher are a factor to consider when looking at how they view…