caring creates resilience

The very act of caring creates resilience

Stress plays a big factor in your overall health, we all know that. There are many experts which give us any number of remedies and cures for how to deal with stress. Finding which remedy works for you is a process. My hopes are that you have others around you who will act as a support team to help you find just the right remedy or process to gain and keep your health on track.

Stress has a lot to do with our body’s vital organs and the health of those organs. It is important to tell your doctor about changes in your mood so that you can discuss treatment options best suited for you. Working on your own internal senses to build yourself up, and maintain a healthy state of mind is so important to the quality of your life. Did you know that the very act of caring creates resilience, and in turn, helps the body to not overreact to stress?

The very act of caring creates resilience, and in turn helps the body to not overreact to stress.

Therapy is also a great way to talk through those touchy situations that you might be holding onto unnecessarily. Talk Therapy is also great for creating new conversations and opening up doors to collaborations; about things you might have wanted to explore but were always afraid to try.

The fight or flight mechanism which is a built-in survival tool becomes unhealthy for our bodies when we are subject to stress or trauma in a never-ending cycle. Taking control over our stress and making it our friend, gives us the upper hand, and helps us keep our body chemistries more in line with those of a healthy lifestyle.

If you are stressed over past events or situations you had no control over, you have to learn to let go of that negativity. Holding onto toxicity will not create an unhealthy outcome. For those who suffer from health issues, gaining the upper hand over your emotions and thoughts could extend your life. Even add years.

While I am no expert, I know that by just being kind when you have it in your power to do, will give you strength in your personal life; that includes your health. The benefits are rewarding.

Be Kind Always

It doesn’t cost you anything