Creative and Inspirational People

Creative and Inspirational People

Creative and Inspirational People 

Creative people have a deep respect for the very essence of everything around them.  It is as if they have a thirst for all things new and exciting.  Who wouldn’t want to be around a creative and inspirational person?  They are uplifting, kind, and filled with a wonder for life.  They can light up a room by just walking in with a smile on their face. They are usually highly intelligent in their own right and  don’t flaunt it unless challenged in a negative way.

They will bring you strawberries in winter, and sprinkle glitter on your papers just to make you smile.  They draw you out of your head and make you think about things in a different way.  A way that has light to it.  A way that seems easy to follow. Go there!

Creative people aren’t obsessed with who they are, or what they may or may not have done in the past.  They are comfortable in the moment. They engage others in a willingness to be open and fair;  listening and absorbing every spoonful of what you have to say.  They are excellent listeners!  They are interested in you, and they want to explore a friendly relationship.

They are comfortable in the moment

They can have an open dialogue with you and not come across as pompous and unfair, nor self-conceited.  They live life in the moment!

1.They are really interested in you!

2. They seek to know you as a person  in the moment! Your past is irrelevant.

3. They aren’t interested in long  stories about themselves. They live in the moment and can talk about subject ranging from rocket science to hopscotch, arts to football.  As long as it is in the moment they are with you.

4. They won’t lecture you, nor drill you with facts, or try to control you with words, actions or deeds.  They keep their emotions in check and keep that part of their life private where it needs to be.  They are greeters, not whiners.

It may be a little over -whelming to meet and greet with these types of creative and inspirational people at first.  Especially if you aren’t used to that upbeat type of personality. They are rare and well sought after – for a good reason.  They are so refreshing – you will be looking for ways to incorporate  them into your lifeimmediately.  But how?

How do you keep the attention of a highly creative and inspirational person or group of people?

1. Listen to them, not the thoughts in your head.

2.  Do not lecture them.  The worst thing you can do to a creative and inspirational person is to lose their respect.  Lecturing on your “know it all” issues  is a deal killer.

Because they are so loved  and respected by  so many, I would hesitate before I spoke badly in certain circles about them.  Many carry clout you are unaware of. They are the darlings of society.  It’s not about money or education, it’s about truthfulness, kindness, and a mutual respect for others.  These people thrive on fairness.  Many are community volunteers.  They genuinely love people and want to help everywhere they can.

They genuinely love people and want to help everywhere they can.  

If you have an inferiority complex, creative and inspirational people are not  who you want to take your complex out upon.  Save those talented folks from your momentary lapse of good judgement, and instead learn to mimic what they do.  Pretty soon you may find out you have something in common with these inspiring people.  Once you learn to keep your own feelings in check (and your mouth shut), you will find you have plenty of positive things to talk about. These folks really do have their stuff together.   Learn from them.

-Be creative and learn to listen and hear more than the thoughts in your head.

-Be inspirational and allow others to know you on a different scale, a scale filled with meaningful thoughts and actions.

-Be prepared to hear positive solutions, and positive reinforcement on concrete ideas based on sound intellect, working knowledge and experience. The term precise comes to mind, or in-eight.  It’s just natural for them.  Don’t judge, rather follow their lead.

These people can be  addictive to others who haven’t experienced first hand what it is like to explore life to the fullest.  They can shape and mold an organization with just a smile and a friendly chat. They love to wrap people in a PEACE bubble and make them feel appreciated and excepted for who and what they are.  People have value just living in the moment.  Remember to keep negativity from creeping its ugly head into your new found PEACE bubble.  Learn to hold your tongue and avoid your own mind talk. Crawl out of your own head and live in the moment.  Be creative and inspirational!

Crawl out of your own head and live in the moment


The “As Usual” series

Content creator & writer, blogger, social and digital media advocate. JB was born with a passion for writing and instructional design. JB is the owner of Radcliff Design.








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